August 29, 2011

Where Am I Now?

Hey everyone, Spiral here. Yes, I'm alive! (And so are you!)

Thanks to everyone who is still finding my blog and posting nice comments. All comments get sent to my email and it always puts a smile on my face to see that Runes of Magic fans are alive and kicking.

I've been out wandering in the computer world, trying out all sorts of games: Forsaken World, Rift, Guild Wars, Minecraft, Borderlands (my first FPS!), Magicka, Second Life, Champions Online and a bunch of others. I haven't found a game that has captivated me as much as RoM did, although I have high hopes for the upcoming Guild Wars 2.

I really miss blogging but haven't been inspired enough to write about any one game yet. I'll keep you posted if I start writing again.
